Sell Own Products

Selling your own products online is profitable and easy! Nowadays, you may sell anything on the Internet - books, clothes, food, services, etc. Why not sell even your Sell own productsown reflections or essays? If you have a know-how or expertise that no one else has, you may certainly sell that through your website. Costs for selling online are really low - you only have to maintain your website alive and put relevant content about your product on that site.
Thanks to the Internet and your website, you have access to millions of people all over the world who actively search the net for anything new and interesting. It is also a well-known fact that consumers are more prone to spend money online, from the convenience of their homes. Why not take advantage of all these favorable circumstances and start selling your own product, service, book, or anything else you wish?

There are 3 Profitable Ways to Sell Products Online

There are many ways to sell online. Probably the first thing that will come into your mind when it comes to selling online is to go to eBay, post your items and sell it in a matter of minutes - that is if you know the ins and outs of online auctions. If you want to make money selling products online, here are 3 profitable ways to sell online.
1) Sell something that is not commonly found in department stores. If it is not
something that you can commonly found in the nearby local store, people most probably me searching for it online, and are willing to pay for the shipment of the item. Of course, you have to weigh also that there is demand for the product. In fact, you can make demand for the product.
Say, if you want to sell antique home decors, you can always create a website that does not just plainly sell your items but a site that will provide information and answers to your online readers. Once you create that demand and turn your online reader's wants to needs, you will most likely succeed in selling them what they need. Of course, this may not be as easy as it sounds. You have to invest on effort and time to be able to sell profitably online.
2) Know your way in online auctions. Online auctions are popular and they are in fact, among the best ways to make money selling products online. Of course, you do not need to have a website if you want to sell in online auction sites and you can also sell anything that you feel like selling, except of course some illegal items.
One good thing about online auctions is the facts that you can get more than the minimum price you are willing to sell your item. Of course, selling through these sites involves bidding, and the more people who are interested in your item, the higher the price can get.
3) Let other people promote your product. If you have a product to sell, one thing that you can do to make good profits online without having to work on promoting your own products and selling them yourself.
You can actually make use of the thousands if not millions of website owners online. One way to do this is to tap affiliates who will be promoting and selling your products. This is called affiliate marketing. You have the products, let your affiliates promote them and pay them in return for every sale they make. By putting up an affiliate program, you can get as much affiliates you want - of course, you have to think also of how much percentage commission you can give them.
These are just three of the most profitable ways to make money selling products online. You can still find a lot of ways to help you sell your products online in the most profitable ways.

The Real Power of your own Products

As I tucked my boys into bed that night and my 3 year old insisted in sleeping with his new ‘honky tonk one man band CD’ (yep, we bought one too) next to his bed it struck me just how powerful having a product to sell can be.
As bloggers trying to make a few dollars from our online activity many of us get stuck thinking about making money by slapping ads on our blogs – but in doing so perhaps we’re doing the equivalent of busking for tips (not the perfect illustration I know). I know I’ve fallen into that trap myself over the years but in working to develop products to sell I’ve seen a variety of benefits including:
1) Revenue – obviously selling a product (whether it be a book, ebook, membership site, consulting, coaching etc) has the potential to make you money. The cool thing about it is that you’re not splitting revenue with an ad network or someone whose product you’re promoting with an affiliate promotion – but it’s all yours.
2) Credibility/Authority – I discovered the power of having something of my own to sell when we launched the Blogger ebook. Suddenly people not only referred to me as a blogger – but an author. While a hard cover book does carry weight in some circles more than an ebook – any quality product gives you another thing to list as the creator of in your CV/bio and can lend weight to your authority and credibility.
3) Opportunities – Within 24 hours of releasing my photography E-book recently I had two publishers contacting me asking if we’d be interested in having them publish it as a real hard cover book. 2 weeks after launch I’ve spoken to more photographers and photography site owners about possible collaborations than I can count. When you have a product of some kind people in your industry and niche tend to take notice. It shows others in your industry that you’re serious and able to produce more than just a blog and it shows you’ve got initiative. People are attracted to that and all kinds of opportunities can emerge.
4) Deepen Relationships with Readers – when someone buys something from you once there’s an increased likelihood that they’ll buy something else from you at some point in the future – IF you keep in relationship with them. Keeping a list of those who’ve purchased something from you opens up future profitable interactions. While it’s great to have an email list of readers – it’s a pretty powerful thing to have an email list of people who are proven ‘buyers’ of products in your niche.
5) Lengthens Relationships with Readers – three weeks after our holiday has ended my son is still talking about the honky tonk performer. He’s been listening to the CD and every time that happens the experience he had a few weeks back is reinforced. Just yesterday I had an email from someone who bought 31 Days to Build a Better Blog who told me that they had the e-book on their computer’s desktop. She told me that every time she did another of the daily exercises she also was reminded to also check out the latest posts on the blog – something she might not have done otherwise. That e-book is drawing visitors back to my blog on a regular basis.
6) Accelerated Learning – regular readers of Blogger will remember that last week I revealed some of the lessons that I’ve learned in the last few weeks while launching a Photography E-book. I shared 8 lessons in that post but the reality is that while it was the most profitable week I’ve had as a blogger it was also the week that I’ve learned the most about internet marketing in the last 7 years. I’ve read a lot about how to launch products online, I’ve talked to a lot of people who have done it and I’ve viewed a lot of case studies of successful launches – but there’s nothing like DOING something to learn how to do it. The theory and past conversations and case studies are helpful – but on the job training is the best. Developing and launching a product will teach you so much about many aspects of blogging, business and yourself – it’s the kind of experience money can’t buy.
7) Traffic – This morning I was digging around on my photography site’s stats. Before I logged in I expected to find that traffic had been a little down on the previous month as a result of launching the ebook over the last two weeks (because I’ve been a little distracted and posted less posts than normal) and as a result of the normal Thanksgiving lull in traffic. However I was surprised to see traffic was up by about 9% over the last 30 days as compared to the 30 days before that. You can see the chart below but the 9% rise was almost completely a result of the days after the launch. As I dug further into the stats I realized that launching the e-book meant more of our regular readers hit the site to check it out but that it also created a buzz around the web as other sites linked up and as people passed on word of the launch via Twitter. Similarly – RSS and newsletter subscribers went up by more than normal in the last two weeks – launching the product has found us new readers.

Sell Third-Party Products

It's very simple! Most companies that sell online have special Affiliate or Referral programs, which guarantee you commissions for sending them new customers and provide you with "advertising materials", or referral banners. To get started, just place a referral banner or link of your affiliate company on your website so that your site visitors learn about that company.
Just affiliate with a company that you like and refer your site visitors to its products. If your visitors like the products, they will buy them and you will get commissions or other benefits for referring. Thus through your website, without any effort, you will see your revenues accumulating.