How many Tags should I put on a YouTube video?

Hi all,

I am learning a method posted here a while ago, and came accross the suggestion to look at video's that get lots of views on the particular concept you are interested in, and use ALL their Tags when you promote your own video in the same subject area.

But that's already more than 100 Tags, and I know I've read that for articles, 15 tags is enough, and more than that is worse. So, is it really better to have as many Tags as possible (ie. several hundred) when you submit a video to YouTube (and other video hosting sites, I'll use TubeMogul), or is there an ideal number, or is an unlimited number OK as long as they're all relevant, or what?

Thanks in advance for any info on this


you will probably be fine if you use the same guidelines as for articles.

100 tags is way too many. it would be considered spamming and they might penalise you.

other video sites have limitations so you cannot do more than a certain number of tags. tubemogul will advise you of that.