Paypal Donate Button

When you surfing the internet, you have seen "Donate me" button at some website or blog. You can also earn money by this way using your website or blog. Actually I don’t like this system because this is just like a paypal donate buttonbeggar. Here you are begging money to all of your visitors. But many of website owners are use this method only for paid their domain name to run their website. If some visitors are really like the website or blog then they happy to donate their money. They will donate to keep running their favorite website or blog. But don’t use "Donate button" to blackmail or force some one to give you money.
So, try with me how to create a “Paypal Donate Button” here

1. Sign in at your paypal account. IF you don’t have it yet, now you can sign up
Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

2. Click on ‘Merchant Services’ Tab in the Top Menu
3. Then click on Donation Link

4. Fill-up necessary information Or you can use your own button
5. Last of all you will get the HTML code for your site. Now copy and past this code to your blog or website
The result should be like this