This is the common and all time earning way of online,if you can do it properly. At first you have to build
your own website or a blog and monetize it.
You can purchase a Domain Name
(".com" or ".net") and Host for keep your site’s data or if you want to
make a website without any investment then you can go for google
blogspot which is free sub domain.
Monetization means adding paid
per click advertisement programs like Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher
network, Bid Advertizer or banner space for sell or text links or paid
per post (PPP) program etc on your website.
There are varieties of ways to
monetize a website. After monetizing your website, whenever your site is
opened then you will get cash for per click on advertise.
You have seen many websites
shows ads by Google, they earning money by those advertise. More people
click on those advertises then more you will earn money.
This program is called paid per click (PPC). The majority of PPC service providers are Google and Yahoo publisher network.
But here is the big factor
is "Traffic" on your website. Because more you have traffic to your
website, more you will earn money.
All people search on top search engines, so your sites must come under top three search engines result page to gain traffic.
This process is known as a
"Search Engine Optimization" in sort SEO. You must have to learn about
SEO technique. You can learn about SEO technique from internet.
Monetize a Website
When you visit other websites
then you will see many websites shows "ads by Google" on their webpage.
They are earning money for showing them.
So, monetizing a website means you will show advertisement of some other product or company or websites and earn money from it.
There are many ways to monetize a website. Some ways of monetize given below:
1) By placing paid per click (PPC) adverts on your webpage:
PPC means you will earn money when someone click on the advertise on your webpage.
2) By selling banners space:
You will create some empty banner space on your web page and you will sell or rent them for some cash money.
3) By placing cost per impression (CPM) adverts on your webpage:
Cost per impression (CPM) means you will be paid for showing adverts on your web page.
4) Yahoo publisher network
5) BitAtvertiser
6) Adbrite
And many more different ways to monetize your website text link, wp plugins, job boards etc.
Website or Blog Designing Software and Language
At first, you must have to know
some knowledge about basic of HTML (Hyper Text Murkup Language), CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets) and Photoshop.
Now you will get many soft for your website design like Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Ms FrontPage etc. These web design software will convert your web
document into html code. You can easily design your website by using
those software.
If you want to learn about web
designing software then you will get many tutorials and e book in the
internet. Also you have to work with images for your website.
So, you must have to know or
good hand in Photoshop for edit those images. I have given details about
how to make a website, follow my others links under "website making
help" section.
Get a Free Website or Blog
There are many websites which
provides free web space for your website. You need free domain name
for your new build website.
You will get free sub domain
for free registration not main domain. Sub domain means your website
name will be like "" and main domain means
your website name will be like "".
Main domain is the main website
and its your own domain name. So, if you want to get a free sub domain
then I have given below some sub domain websites:
Gain Traffic to Your Website
After create your own website or blog then you need to know how to gain more traffic to your website.
Traffic is another big factor
for success or earns money online. Your site must be shown to the
internet users when they search for some query on the search engine like
Google and Yahoo!.
You must have to learn search engine optimization for showing your web page on the search engine result page (SERP).
There are many techniques to
gain traffic to your website which I given details to my "Website
Traffic" link, you can follow that.
What is SEO?
SEO or search engine
optimization is the technique used to advance on the top of serp. There
are two parts in seo on page and off page optimization.
1) On Page Optimization:
In this part you will choose a
keyword and title to target visitors and the proper keyword density in
your web page body or article.
You will try to make your website or blog Google griendly and bot friendly.
2) Off Page Optimization:
In this part you will submit
your webpage link on various spot like in articles, web directories etc
by using proper anchor text to gain high page ranking.
11 important basic SEO Tips